


I'm just a regular mom with a passion for all things creative! Being a wife and mom to four little boys is demanding, but I haven't lost my identity in it. I'm still a woman who loves to try new things and explore ways of bringing creativity into my life. This journey of being the Creative Chaos Mom is going to be a fun one, so feel free to join me in the chaos and share a little of your own along the way!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Target + Coupons

The other day I mentioned how I've been working on cutting down our grocery expenses. Well, I've also been trying to cut down any and all expenses that I possibly can using coupons on top of sale prices. I swear this is an art form in its own right. There are women out there who feed a family of six on a budget of $45 a week! I know this sounds nearly impossible for those of you who are just finding out about this coupon extravaganza going on in the blogging world, but the truth is you could be saving tens to hundreds of dollars a month by learning some of these great shopping skills. Like I said in my previous post, I still have a lot to learn, but I just wanted to show you an example of what a beginner can buy with ten bucks using these saving strategies. I tackled the wonderful world of Target today with three kids and my coupons in tow. I ended up with two card games (a gift for some friends), face wash, mouthwash, lotion, feminine products, two packs of Wet Ones antibacterial wipes and a 6-pack of lightbulbs (originally priced at $9.99 by itself!). While there are "pros" out there who have bought two weeks worth of groceries for $10, I'm very happy with the nearly $30 I saved had I bought each of these items at regular price! It's not a lot of work and even if you can save $10-$25 a week, by the end of the month it adds up to a chunk of cash. I know so many moms who are trying to work odd jobs and/or make some extra money from home. This is something you can spend just an hour or two on per week to save your family some hard-earned cash. I think it's well worth my time, and I hope if you're a fellow penny pincher that you'll be encouraged by my little financial victory today. If I can do it, so can you!

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