


I'm just a regular mom with a passion for all things creative! Being a wife and mom to four little boys is demanding, but I haven't lost my identity in it. I'm still a woman who loves to try new things and explore ways of bringing creativity into my life. This journey of being the Creative Chaos Mom is going to be a fun one, so feel free to join me in the chaos and share a little of your own along the way!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tasty Rainbows

In celebration of St. Patrick's Day, I decided not to whip up green goodies, but rather some tasty little rainbows for my little leprechauns to eat. While there is no pot of gold at the end of these rainbows, the big smiles and happy tummies are enough "gold" for me. This is a simple treat that is super easy to make, but takes a little time. It's a great little recipe to work on while in the midst of laundry piles. Hope you like them!

Tasty Rainbows

1 box of red jello (6 oz.)
1 box of orange jello (6 oz.)
1 box of green jello (6 oz.)
1 box of blue jello (6 oz.)
5 cups of boiling water

I used two 2-quart glass pyrex dishes for this recipe. Start with your blue jello in a separate bowl. Mix with 1 1/4 cups boiling water stirring for approximately 2 minutes until mixture is completely dissolved. Pour liquid jello into pyrex dishes (1/2 of mixture in each dish). Place in refrigerator for about 15 minutes (until jello is set). While the first layer is setting, wash out mixing bowl and mix together green jello with 1 1/4 cups boiling water. Green jello can cool on the countertop while blue jello is setting in the fridge. Remove jello from fridge and add layer of green liquid jello (1/2 of mixture in each dish). Follow same steps with the orange jello and then with the red. Refrigerate for approximately 1 hour. Remove from fridge and set glass dish in an inch of hot water for approximately 15 seconds to loosen jello from dish. Cut into bars or squares and enjoy! Yields approximately 72 1-inch squares or 48 1 x 2-inch bars.

P.S.-You can add yellow and purple jello to your rainbows as well. I was running short on time and threw them together last minute, so I opted for just the four colors.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!


  1. Marisa-Thanks! My mom used to make a version of these when I was a kid and they were my absolute favorite!!!
